Cute asian girl, around 7-years-old, reads a paper books intently/
Like all great companies,
Little Digital started with...

a really big problem.

01 - Our Origins

Founders Lauren and Rachael grew up loving books.

But as professionals, they also met at a time when digital media was edging out paper.

Some people fought the turning tide.

We decided to embrace it.
Lauren Kukla, smiling and holding her baby daughter Elsie.
Lauren Kukla
Rachael Thomas, smiling while holding her baby nephew, Henry.
Rachael Thomas

02 - Our Logic

We didn't want to say goodbye to books.

Books are special. They spark imagination. They help build literacy skills. And reading a book with your child snuggled up next to you is a beautiful bonding experience like no other.

Most digital media doesn’t hit those goals. 

Little Digital does.

03 - Moving Forward

Little Digital is a new-age solution for a new age of parenting.

The only gatekeeper to our content is internet access. Stories can be read on all kinds of devices; and we publish quality work in a matter of weeks, not months.

These are the pillars of providing the exceptional content that kids today need.

Because when we fall behind, so do our children.
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