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A cheerful cartoon showcasing the planets in our solar system, all embraced by a delighted sun.

Let's Explore the Sun

Cute cartoon alien and alien cat in a spaceship and a huge Sun laughing.
A word saying "Ahhh!"
An alien and alien cat taking a sun bath on the spaceship.A coconut drink with a straw in it.A drink with an orange slice and a green straw.
Feel the
The word "HEAT!"
Soak up the
The word "Light!"
It's time to meet your favorite
The word "STAR" with glitters in the background.
and my favorite
A cute alien singing a song with a mic.A cute alien singing a song with a mic.The word "STAR" with glitters in the background.
It's that burning hot ball of gas you humans call
A stage with a red curtain and red chairs.A cute green cartoon alien speaking at the mic.A cute purple cartoon alien cat with the mic.
A theater stage with the curtains open with alien and alien cat presenting.The word "SUN!"The sun with sunglasses on its face.
As stars go, the sun is actually pretty average.
The height scale identifying the sun's star classification.A cartoon sun holding a sign that reads "Yellow Dwarf," which is a scientific term for a star like our sun.A cute green alien with arms outstretched.A cute purple cartoon alien cat
It's a type of star called a
The words "Yellow Dwarf!"A fairytale-like cottage nestled amongst tall trees in a cartoon forest. And a large red mushroom with white spots sprouts in front of the house.A green Christmas tree.A sun-shaped gnome with a white beard.Snow white peeking from the back of a tree.A cheerful cartoon Santa Claus waving hands in a blue outfit.A cheerful cartoon Santa Claus waving hands in a green and orange outfit.A cheerful cartoon Santa Claus waving hands in an purple outfit.A cheerful cartoon Santa Claus waving hands in a red outfit.A cheerful cartoon Santa Claus waving hands in an orange outfit.A cheerful cartoon Santa Claus waving hands in an orange and green outfit.
No, not that kind of
The words "Yellow Dwarf"A cute green alien smiling.A sun-shaped gnome with a white beard.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun."
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
The sun is 1,500 times smaller than a
Words saying "Red Giant"The height scale identifies the sun's star classification.A cartoon character of a red giant holding a sign that says its name.A tiny sun character that is vastly smaller in comparison to the Red Giant on its right
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.A speech bubble that reads "A Red Giant is the biggest type of star. It is much larger and cooler than Earth's sun."
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
The sun is 10 times bigger than a
Words reading "Red Dwarf"The height scale identifies the sun's star classification.A cartoon character of a bright yellow sun holding a sign saying "Yellow Dwarf"A cartoon character of a red dwarf holding a sign that says its name.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.A speech bubble that reads "A Red Dwarf is the smallest and coolest type of star. It is also the most common type of star!"
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
Earth's sun might not be
A cartoon character of a sun smiling with eyes closed.The words saying "extra large"
A cute green alien wearing sunglasses and pointing to the text on his left.A purple alien cat wearing sunglasses facing her right.
But it's still a really big deal.
The sun is the bright, white center of your solar system.
Space illustration in a cartoon style showing all 8 planets of our solar system.A cartoon sun with a happy face.
The sun's gravity is what holds the cosmic neighborhood together.
A cheerful cartoon showcasing the planets in our solar system, all embraced by a delighted sun.
The star's warmth and light allow life to
The word "thrive"
on Earth!
A cartoon sun with a smiley face.A depiction of a garden with a bench, shovel, and trees in the background.A duck and ducklings swimming in a pond.An alien wearing a sun hat and pleasantly watering plants.An alien cat wearing a hat with a chicken on top of it.A cute cartoon of a light brown rabbit.A cartoon of an adorable brown and white fox.
The sun may not be the hottest star around, but it's still
Red and yellow fire flameA sweating alien holding a flower fan and an ice cream.A sweating alien cat.Red and yellow fire flameThe word "HOT!"
27 million degrees Fahrenheit to be exact!
Cartoon sun feeling the heat with a thermometer showing a high temperature.Read lines depicting extreme heat.Read lines depicting extreme heat.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.A speech bubble saying "That's 15,000,000 degrees Celsius!"
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
The hottest part is a place at the very center of the sun, called the
The word "CORE"
A green alien wearing safety glasses and a lab coat.Cartoon cross-section of the sun, highlighting its main layers.A green label saying "Corona"A green label saying "Convection Zone"A green label saying "Core"A green label saying "Photosphere"A green label saying "Chromosphere"An alien cat wearing a nurse's hat.
The surface of the sun is a
The word "Chilly"
10,000 degrees Fahrenheit!
A cartoon sun wearing a winter hat with icicles hanging from its brim.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.A speech bubble that reads "That's 5,500 degrees Celsius!"
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
Better pack
a sweater!
A friendly green alien wearing a cozy red sweater.A purple alien cat wearing a blue muffler.
Scientists can't actually visit the sun.
A cartoon of a friendly sun.A boy looking through a telescope at the sun
It's way too hot!
A playful cartoon sun with sunglasses on its face.An alien and an alien cat exploring space together.
But scientists all around the planet Earth still study our home star!
A picture of the earth with light and radiations emitting from its core.An illustration of scientists exploring our sun by standing circularly across the globe.
That's because changes in the sun can mean changes for life on Earth.
School of fish swimming in a tight formationA cheerful sun character cuddling a globe Earth.A group of animals standing in the grass and trees.A cartoon of a penguin.A cartoon of a penguin.A cartoon of a penguin.
Solar winds collide with Earth's atmosphere.
A cartoon character of a sun blowing away the earth.A cartoon character of the earth trying to hold its ground as the sun blows it away.
This makes beautiful light shows called aurora!
An auroraA cartoon landscape with snow-capped mountains in dark overcast weather as the alien and the alien cat watch from the distance.
The words "Solar flares"
can hurt satellites and interfere with Earth's radio signals.
A cartoon sun with solar flares erupting from its surface.An alien enjoying music from the boombox.An illustration of three cell towers on the edge of our globe catching signals from space satellites.An image of a satellite in the air.A cute purple alien cat.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.A speech bubble that reads "A solar flare is an intense burst of high-energy radiation given off by the sun"
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
The sun can also teach us about stars too far away to study up close.
A yellow star.An illustration of an alien looking at the stars in the galaxy through a telescope.A cartoon sun with a smiley face.A purple star.
The sun's light and heat touch every planet in the solar system.
Sands with a sand-castle and coconuts.The sun smiling.Cartoon Saturn wearing sunglasses and relaxing on the sand.A cute green alien laying on the sand and relaxing.Cartoon Jupiter wearing sunglasses and relaxing on the sand.An alien cat sitting on the towel on the sand.Cartoon Mars relaxing on the sand.
But the solar system has so much more to explore!
The sun with a smiley face.An alien with a blue backpack walking away.An alien cat with a red backpack walking away.
Let's go take a look!
A cartoon alien with its pet alien cat sit in the control hub of a spaceship
The number 3
The number 2
The number 1
The words "Blast Off"
A playful photograph of Neptune smiling.Imaginative description of Mars as a happy planet.Cartoon photos of Earth and Moon are depicted as friendly characters.A playful photograph of Mercury laughing.A picture of a solar system with the giant sun cuddling all the 8 planets.A cheerful picture of Jupiter.A cheerful photograph of Venus smiling.A smiling cartoon Uranus.A playful photograph of Saturn smiling.
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